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Book Signing: Danny & Wanda Pelfrey
August 13, 2022 @ 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Booking Signing at the Bartow History Museum
Join us for a special book signing event with local authors Danny & Wanda Pelfrey, as they prepare to release their newest novel, A Night to Remember. The novel, an Adairsville Heritage Mystery, follows the protagonist Riley Gordan, a beautiful and personable law student, and her friend, Trish, who stumble upon an abduction plot, and are pulled headfirst into the search for a young girl.
Books will be available for purchase.
Get to Know the Authors
A Night to Remeber is the sixth mystery novel authored by the Pelfreys set in Adairsville.. In addition to the mystery novels, the Pelfreys have authored several non-fiction books including Danny’s Life in Adairsville and Wanda’s Making the Most of Your Child’s Teachable Moments. Danny spent forty-five years as a minister while Wanda taught Montessori school for more than twenty years. After many years in other parts of the country, they returned to Adairsville where they now reside.