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Getting to Know Genealogy and Our Society

Join us on Zoom.  This is part of our on-line lecture programming. Participants will hear from Sally and Bob Hatfield. Sally is Bartow County Genealogical Society’s president and Bob is past president.  They will discuss what genealogy is and how to do it.  In addition, they will talk about how the Bartow County Genealogical Society can help researchers.

This is a virtual lecture on Zoom.  Tickets are required.

Member tickets are free and non-member tickets are $6.50.  Tickets

Get to know your speakers: 


Sally is Bartow County Genealogical Society’s president and Bob is past president.  They belong to several Genealogy Societies including::

  • Bartow Co. Genealogical Soc. , Cobb Co. Gen. Soc., Georgia Gen. Soc.
  • KYOWVA Historical & Gen. Soc., Wayne Co. (WV) Historical and Gen. Soc.
  • Cumberland Gap Hist. and Gen. Soc. , Immigrant Gen. Soc.

They have taught genealogy for more than five years and have given several talks on genealogy.

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