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Cities of the Dead – Historic Cemeteries Bus Tour
October 7, 2017 @ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Bartow County’s Cities of the Dead Bus Tour
Pieces of Bartow County’s history can be found throughout its numerous cemeteries. These “cities of the dead” tell us much about how people in the past formed communities, expressed their faith, and confronted death. Cemeteries have evolved over time to reflect the values and practices of each succeeding generation of Bartow Countians. From prehistoric Native American burials to modern day perpetual care memorial gardens, Bartow County’s landscape contains rich examples of how these adaptations played out locally.
Join Dr. Keith Hebert, Auburn University history professor and Bartow County native, on Saturday, October 7, for a tour to several historic cemeteries throughout Bartow County. Dr. Hebert will highlight changes in funerary customs across the ages and dig deep into the lives of those interred on these sacred grounds. Stories and legends of pioneers, slaves, soldiers, criminals, and more will be shared as we learn more about our final destinations.
The tour will begin at 9 a.m. and return to the museum by 4 p.m. The tour will include drive-bys or stops at Etowah Indian Mounds, Sunset Memory Gardens, Euharlee’s Presbyterian and Black Pioneer cemeteries, Kingston Cemetery, East View Cemetery, Pine Log Methodist Church Cemetery, the Corra Harris burial chapel, and more.
Tickets are $40 for members and $45 for non-members. Tickets include charter bus transportation, tour guide, lunch, snacks, and a souvenir tour book.
To purchase tickets, please call 770-387-2774, visit the Bartow History Museum Gift Shop, or click HERE.
Sponsored by Parnick Jennings Funeral Home.